Refresher: Immunological techniques

Western blot
Ulrike Kaiser
Western blot
Fig. 1: Western blot for the detection of recombinant TNFα using goat anti-mouse antibody, marker shown in red. © U.Kaiser

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In the series of immunological techniques, western blotting is to be presented in this issue. Like all immunological techniques, western blotting is based on an antigen-antibody reaction. Depending on the structure, either an antigen or an antibody can also be detected with this technique. What makes it interesting is that it combines an antigen-antibody reaction with gel electrophoresis.


A western blot, also called a protein immunoblot, is an immunological technique. Depending on the questionissue, it is used to detect an antibody or an antigen. The procedure is a combination of electrophoresis and an antigen-antibody reaction.

Keywords: western blot, semidry-semi-dry blotting, antigen, antibody, electrophoresis


Translated by mt g medical translation GmbH & Co KG

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