PAD – a disease for markers

Prognosis via the ankle brachial index
Jacqueline Flux
PAD – a disease for markers
Preparation of an artery, staining method: Goldner © Lord of Konrad, own work, CC0

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Cardiovascular disorders represent the most common cause of death in industrialised countries. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 925,200 persons died in 2015, of which 21.3 % of deaths were attributed to chronic ischaemic heart disease, 13.8 % to an acute myocardial infarction, 8.7 % to stroke or cerebral infarction, and a further 2.8 % to the sequellae of a cerebrovascular disease.


Numerous studies confirm the association between peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and a substantially increased cardio- and cerebrovascular risk. The lifetime of PAD patients is dramatically reduced. The life expectancy is lower than that of patients suffering from breast cancer or Hodgkin‘s disease. However, PAD (popularly known as “intermittent claudication”) is being underdiagnosed. Patients often dissimulate the symptoms of the disease and relate them to age and infirmity. The ankle brachial index can be used to diagnose PAD as a strong marker for generalised atherosclerosis, even in asymptomatic patients. So, the ABI should be implemented as a screening tool into daily medical practice.

From MTA Dialog 8/2017, translated by mt g medical translation GmbH & Co KG

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